There was a time when everyone who had the space to do it raised a vegetable garden. If it wasn't for the gardens and the food canned or preserved in the summer many would not have it through the winters. Now today in the world we live in it is much easier to go to the local grocery store and buy what you want. There are still some who raise their own food and as any Ohio gardener will tell you not only does home grown fruits and vegetables taste better then any store bought one it also saves them money all year long. Some even make a profit buy having roadside stands selling their home grown veggies and fruits.
It doesn't take a lot of money to grow your own garden. Nothing makes you feel better then to see the results of your work. Biting into a home grown tomato or cucumber is extremely satisfying knowing you raised it and that their is nothing artificial or no pesticides and that what your about to feed your family is completely safe is the best feeling ever.
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